We would like to thank our sponsors, without whose support our research would not be possible.

Magnetic Induction in Nonmetallic Objects. Jake Abbott (PI). $47,824, 3/1/2025-8/30/2025.

Modeling, Control, and Motion Planning of Magnetic-screw Microrobots in Soft Tissue. Alan Kuntz (PI) and Jake Abbott. $740,283, 9/1/2023-8/31/2026.

Space Force STTR Phase 2 with Rogue Space Systems Corporation. Use of Rotating Magnetic Fields to Detumble Irregular Asymmetric Space Debris-Like Objects. $420,000. 7/24/2023-10/23/2023.

Magnetic Cogging Parallel-elastic Actuators for Energy-efficient Robotic Legs. Jake Abbott (PI), Tommaso Lenzi, and Shad Roundy. $732,643, 1/1/2023-12/31/2025.

Space Force STTR Phase 1 with Rogue Space Systems Corporation. Detumbling of Space Debris Using Magnetic-Field Sources as Robot End-Effectors. $249,582. 7/5/2022-12/4/2022.


Space Force STTR Phase 1 with Rogue Space Systems Corporation. Use of Rotating Magnetic Fields to Detumble Irregular Asymmetric Space Debris-Like Objects. $249,552. 6/27/2022-10/26/2022.

Dexterous Magnetic Manipulation of Non-Magnetic Objects with Stationary Electromagnetic Dipole-Field Sources. Jake Abbott (PI) and Tucker Hermans. $554,285. 5/15/2022-4/30/2025.


Educational Partnership Agreement. Jake Abbott (PI). $116,684. 2/11/2020-2/10/2024.





EFRI C3 SoRo: Magneto-electroactive Soft, Continuum, Compliant, Configurable (MESo-C3) Robots for Medical Applications Across Scales. Jake Abbott (PI), Yong Lin Kong, Kam Leang, On Shun Pak, and Rajesh Rajamani. $1,999,910. 9/15/2018-8/31/2022.




EAGER: Toward Magnetic Manipulation of Nonmagnetic Objects. Jake Abbott (PI) and Tucker Hermans. $248,739. 9/1/2018-8/31/2020.





Quantifying the Benefits of Head-mounting in Telemanipulated Robotic Eye Therapies. Jake Abbott (PI), Paul Bernstein, Balamurali Ambati. $384,707. 3/1/2017-2/28/2019.




CHS: Small: Toward a New Generation of Untethered Magnetic Haptic Interfaces. Jake Abbott (PI) and David Johnson. $500,000. 8/1/2014-7/31/2017.





Magnetic Guidance for Improved Cochlear-Implant Insertion. Jake Abbott (PI), Tim Ameel, Albert Park, Frank Warren, and Robert Webster. $1,842,850. 8/1/2014-7/31/2019.

Collaborative Research: Shepherding Biomedical Microswimmers Using Magnetic Fields. Jake Abbott (PI). $230,427. 8/15/2014-8/14/2017. This project is in collaboration with Henry Fu at the University of Nevada, Reno.

Adding Microforceps Capability to Retinal Microsurgery System. Jake Abbott (PI) and Paul Bernstein. $50,000. 1/1/2014-1/31/2015.




Modular Magnetic Mobile Manipulators for Microgravity Environments. Jake Abbott (PI) and Joseph Brink. $85,992. 8/1/2013-1/2/2015.

Intuitive Telemanipulation System for Retinal Microsurgery based on Piezoelectric Stick-Slip Actuator Technology. Jake Abbott (PI) and Paul Bernstein. $50,000. 1/1/2013-1/31/2014.



NRI-Small: Robotic Treadmill Therapy for Lower Spinal Cord Injuries. John Hollerbach (PI) and Jake Abbott. $908,999. 9/1/2012-8/30/2015.

CAREER: Nonuniform-Magnetic-Field Control of Medical Microrobots. Jake Abbott (PI). $499,793. 4/1/2010-3/31/2015.

NSF Graduate Research Fellowships have provided support for Arthur Mahoney and Katie Popek.

Many of our projects have benefited from University Outreach Program of Advanced Motion Controls. AMC has supplied many of our amplifiers and power supplies at a significantly reduced price.

The University of Utah, the College of Engineering, the Department of Mechanical Engineering, and the Technology Commercialization Office have supported a significant amount of our research through generous start-up funds, the Funding Incentive Seed Grant program, and the Commercialization Engine program.